What is 95210?
95210 is a community effort to help families and workplaces create behaviors that will promote good health and decrease childhood obesity. By focusing on 5 key areas of health - sleep, nutrition, screen time, physical activity, and tobacco – 95210: Add it Up for Health makes it easy for families to get healthy together by keeping it simple and fun.95210 stands for:
How does my family track our 95210 achievements?First, you’ll create a profile for yourself and the members of your family at www.95210.org, and choose “Working Well” as your program and use the access code of "well". Then, visit the site each day to record how many of each benchmark each family member achieved. You will be able to see your progress in graph form as the Challenge progresses, motivating you to keep up the good work!
Do I have to track everyone in my family?
You can create a profile for every member of your household who wants to participate.
How long does it take to track my family’s numbers?
Logging your day is fast and easy! Once logged in, you are directed to the first benchmark: sleep. Simply click on the number of hours you slept the previous night, and then click next. The site leads you through each benchmark, and when you have completed all five you can track your next family member or logout. It only takes a few minutes each day!
How often do I need to track my 95210 numbers?
Each day at midnight, a new tracking day begins. You may log your numbers at any time during the day, but can only log for the current day. You cannot log yesterday’s numbers today.
Who sees my information?
Only you, the participant, sees your information pertaining to each 95210 number. However, Working Well will see the average point score for each day you track your 95210 numbers and may use the collective data in reports designed to evaluate overall participation trends. Your name or other distinguishing information will not be used in any reporting; your privacy is important to us.
Is there a cost to participate?
Participation in 95210: Add it Up for Health is free!
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